MSI Creator Awards 2022 Kicks Off, as you Create Your Utopia


MSI announced the kick-off of the MSI Creator Awards 2022! The MSI Creator Awards which has been loved by all creators for three consecutive years is held to recognize and encourage the most creative and outstanding creators around the world.

In addition to three categories: Graphic Design, 3D Creation and Film, there will be MSI Special Prize and People’s Choice, so that more creations have the opportunity to be favored.

Encouraged by receiving thousands of amazing works of art every year, MSI determines to continue the celebration for creators. Winners will be prized with MSI’s latest Creator series laptop PCs, desktops, graphic cards or monitors, totally valued at over $35,000. The awards categories are listed as below:


MSI will choose one entry from all categories for MSI Special Prize that best presents MSI’s brand spirit. Besides, there is a new People’s Choice added this year. From 6/15 to 6/30, there will be online voting for the most popular artwork. All netizens who participate in the voting will have the chance to win the MSI VIGOR GK30 COMBO Gaming keyboard and mouse set.


To salute the aesthetics of the virtual world, MSI Creator Awards 2022 will take “Create Your Utopia” as the competition theme. We continue to provide creators with a platform to create and show, and are committed to launching cutting-edge products with perfect craftsmanship to fuel more creative energy to creators. We look forward to seeing what it will be like for activities, games, social life, traveling and learning in the Metaverse while the world is gradually moving towards the virtual one. Metaverse creators, let’s create your ideal utopia with tech and aesthetics!”, said Sam Chern, Vice President of Marketing at MSI.


The MSI Creator Awards winners will be evaluated by a panel of recognized experts from various fields, who have worked at Disney, won the Emmy Award, participated in the production of Cars and Toy Story, Hollywood photographers, League of Legends and other well-known game characters designer. MSI is to deliver a balanced assessment from these industry experts with their extensive knowledge, enthusiasm and expertise, ensuring that the winning entries are truly outstanding and worthy of receiving the awards. These juries will also present online sessions during the submission period on MSI YouTube and Facebook to share professional skills and interesting thoughts.

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