SM Group’s 5 Companies was Recognized Phil Daily Inquirer and Statista for Best Customer Service

SM Group

SM Group’s five companies are recognized as having the Best Customer Service in the Philippines conferred by local broadsheet Philippine Daily Inquirer and Statista, a Germany-based data and business intelligence portal.

As SM celebrates its 65th year in business, one may reflect on the many life lessons of Henry Sy Sr. This particular insight comes to mind, “It’s important that I never lose touch with the pulse of my shoppers,” he said, highlighting SM’s distinct culture of customer service.

SM Group

“Our communities are at the heart of everything that we do here at SM,” said Frederic C. DyBuncio, SM Investments President and Chief Executive Officer. “It’s not about making quick transactions, rather it’s a commitment to creating equal opportunities for all our customers.”

The recognition cites five SM companies which ranked first in their respective categories.

In the Home Goods category, the SM Store secured the top position in the Department Store rankings, while SM Retail affiliate Toy Kingdom placed first in the Toys category.

BDO Unibank Inc., (BDO), SM Markets and SM Cinema clinched the top spots in the categories of Insurance, Supermarkets, and Movie Theaters, respectively.

As the most-awarded company in the inaugural list, SM Group’s core business of retail pays homage to Mr. Sy or ‘Tatang’ as those close to him fondly call him, remembering  his ‘win-win’ philosophy.

In a past interview with Australian author Peter Church, Mr. Sy remarked on the importance of the common good in whatever one does.

“I believe the SM Store and SM Supermalls will succeed if the quality and prices are right for the consumers and the conditions are similarly fair for the employees,” he said.

Mr. Sy’s life lessons still echo across the SM Group. From holding company SM Investments Corporation to all of its core businesses in retail, banking, and property, these lessons are still passed along from one generation to the next.

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