
Teacher Eats: How Gluten-free/sugar-free Hearty Breads change my high-carb cravings?

Teacher Eats: How Gluten-free/sugar-free Hearty Breads change my high-carb cravings?

I confess that I become a borderline obese. According to my current BMI ratio, having a some series of fatigue and health issues proved that I’m not healthy in terms of my weight. Sad part: I can’t seem to have my own diet plan to shed the extra pounds and be physically well. And with my multiple jobs, craving for high-carb meals is always an option.

Obesity cases is another red flag in the country. Those who consume excess of sugar and carbohydrate lead to accumulating that excess weight overtime. Per record, Philippines has estimated a staggering 18 million citizens who are either Obese or Overweight.

To clarify, consuming sugar does not cause cancer. Studies have been conducted which proves that sugar essentially feeds tumors and encourages cancer growth. Hence, starving these cells from sugar may help cancer patients.

Teacher Eats: How Gluten-free/sugar-free Hearty Breads change my high-carb cravings?

Given these health conditions, a group of young entrepreneurs have decided to develop bread alternatives for those whose dietary requirements needs special attention. Evan Dykimching and Vicson Ngo are the people behind Hearty Bread, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free.

How Did They Started

The company started out as suppliers for some of the major hospitals in the Metro. They cater to doctors and in-house patient with conditions mentioned above. Evan recounts “When one of our family member got confined in the hospital, we were surprised that the price of our bread were quite high due to several administrative fees”

With the company’s desire to promote affordable and quality health, they created the brand “Hearty Bread” to make healthy breads readily available and affordable to the general public.

Teacher Eats: How Gluten-free/sugar-free Hearty Breads change my high-carb cravings?

How is it different from other expensive breads?

To give you an idea, if you are not familiar with the price of Gluten-Free/Sugar-Free market, other producers are selling at 500php to 600php per loaf. For most people, this price tag is very expensive.

Hearty Bread invested in research & development for 2 years in order to come up with bread that are double the size and sell them at half the price. Hearty Bread’s Almond Loaf line retails at only 180Php for the plain Almond Loaf while their Cheesy variants – Cheesy Charcoal and Cheesy Coffee are pegged at 250php/loaf.

Teacher Eats: How Gluten-free/sugar-free Hearty Breads change my high-carb cravings?

They also have other products such as their Sourdough/Probiotic line which includes Malunggay Sourdough Pandesal which sells at 40php/6pcs, while their other Sourdough loaf sells at 115php. Hearty Bread’s Fruit loafs are also in demand, Banana Sourdough Loaf retails at 200php, Banofee Walnut Sourdough Loaf and Pumpkin Carrot Sourdough Loaf sells at 280php/ Loaf. These are all Gluten-Free/Sugar-free!

Teacher Eats: How Gluten-free/sugar-free Hearty Breads change my high-carb cravings?

This is a healthier and convenient choice for those who wants to be healthy without the guilt. Few days after eating the bread,y family also shared the healthy journey with me as well. My most favorite is the (saba) Banana Sourdough Loaf and variety of Almond Loaf line of breads. It’s easy in my stomach and and for few days, my craving for high-carbs minimize.

So if you’re looking for gluten-free/sugar-free breads without the hassle and the high cost, Hearty Bread is indeed a best choice to have for your fitness goals.

Teacher Eats: How Gluten-free/sugar-free Hearty Breads change my high-carb cravings?

You can find them at selected Rustan’s Marketplace or Supermarket, Mediscount Partners’ hub and you can make it delivered right in your doorsteps. Follow them on their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/heartybreadph/ to see more of their updates and offer.

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