Teacher Eats: Seafood Island Experience

It was 2013 when I passed my first License Examination for Professional Teachers. And of course my family wants to celebrate this victory by eating out. We went to this restaurant named “Seafood Island” where all of us enjoyed the seafood boodle that satisfies my family of 9. Few years had pass, it doesn’t fails to amaze us with their variety of favors and meals that really satisfies any hunger.

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Here’s my “Teacher Points” why Seafood Island is a place to be for family/friends gathering:

1) Their Boodle Meal choices are “Family Size”

Not unless you’re someone who eats a lot, these are the size of boodle that you can expect from them. The variety that they had are all fixed and you can ask for more rice, seafood etc. if you pleased.

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2) You can avail their Boodle Meals at a very reasonable price

If you’re budget conscious, that’s OK. But there’s no better place to be if you want to get your seafood fix than here with your family and friends. There’s a Boodle Meal that’s suitable for your budget and you can go for a single meal if you want something that’s not heavy on the stomach.

image-00dadb585feca6e6e5c2a3855e7438b88939946869004fe6c73da139d0beb161-V3) The place and the atmosphere of the restaurant is beach inspired and it fits any number of guest

Of course it depends on whatever branches they’re located. One of the branches that we’ve been was in Market! Market! in Taguig City and I must say that we enjoyed our stay as we listened to their beach vibe music background as we eat and the decorations of the place was very nice to take pictures with.

pics from http://tw.gigacircle.com/2160395-1?r=37394

pics from http://tw.gigacircle.com/2160395-1?r=37394


So come on and invite your family and friends to enjoy seafood goodness and good times with Seafood Festival.

Seafood Island, Market! Market!
Bonifacio Global City, Fiesta Market, Market! Market!, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City

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