Teacher Insights: Herbalife Wellness Tour Highlights Importance of Healthy Aging in the Asia-Pacific Region

With the region’s aging population expected to hit 1.3 billion by 2050, there’s no better time than now to address its many concerns. This subject was the highlight of the recently Herbalife Nutrition Wellness Tour held in Cebu and other parts of the country.

Last April 26, Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board (NAB) member shared the results of the survey conducted by the global nutrition company in countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including the Philippines, that centered on Healthy Aging.

According to the survey, 76 percent of Filipinos believe that Healthy Aging equates to being mentally active and alert, while 78 percent identifies it to being physically active. Sixty-eight percent among those surveyed believed that 40-45 years old is the right age to take steps towards healthy aging.

In relation to this, Dr. Wang shared insights on how to best address the top four concerns to Healthy Aging, namely: digestive, heart, bone, and eye health. He said that a protein-rich diet can help keep one’s digestive system healthy. He also advised that reducing one’s meal consumption by 70% can help in weight reduction.

To have a healthy cardiovascular system, Dr. Wang suggested consuming food and food supplements that are rich in L-Arginine, L-Citrulline and Omega-3.

Taking calcium as well as calcium-rich supplements with Vitamin D, meanwhile, will help keep one’s bones healthy. To maintain good eye health as one ages, Dr. Wang recommended foods and supplements that are rich in Lutein.

Dr. Wang has been a member of the NAB since 2013. The NAB is comprised of leading experts from around the world in the fields of nutrition and health. Its role is to educate Independent Herbalife Members on the principles of good nutrition, getting regular physical activity, and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Wang is an expert in metabolism and nutrition who has done research on human metabolism and the clinical evaluation of nutritional supplements, nutraceuticals, functional foods and herbs. He is currently professor and former president of the Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan. 

He is also honorary president of the Nutrition Society of Taiwan; council member of the Federation Association of Asian Nutrition Societies; president of the International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods; and visiting professor at the Tokyo Medical University. Dr. Wang has authored and co-authored a number of articles and papers in his area of expertise.

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