Teacher Insights: What’s New In Store for the Province of Aklan

The election is finally over and we Filipinos already declared the leaders and public servants that will lead our respective district. Some officials are new to the office, some we’re reelected. But regardless of which, there’s something great to look forward to.

Especially in the province of Aklan (where the majestic island of Boracay is), there’s many things and changes that the people will embrace more than just the long rehabilitation program started last year. And with the leadership of the public officials of Aklan including the reelected Congressman Teodorico ‘Nonong’ Haresco, Jr., many great things are yet to come to both “Aklanon” and tourists around the world.

So what are the things to look forward to Aklan in the next term of Congressman Haresco:

Full cooperation in the recent “Build, Build, Build” Project.

After the wonderful rehabilitation program in Aklan, see to it that the next infrastructure projects of the province will be implemented continually. But more than that, strict environmental laws will still be at the top priority of these projects. Making sure that the beauty of the islands will not be compromised.

Aim for Sustainability is BIG

In Aklan, sustainability is a top priority of everyone. Projects like environmental protection, food production (organic farming) and quality Education will come at a higher scale this coming term. Rest assured that every generation of Aklanon will have a sustainable living in their previous province.

More Business Opportunities Will Open

The province of Aklan is not closing its doors for potential business opportunities. However, they’re making sure that Aklanon will still thrive in the land they’re living. So with the success of the rehabilitation program, see to it that Aklanon will reap the fruits of these changes. More jobs, more income for the people.

Good Retirement Place for Tourists

Because Aklan is known to its peace and order system, crimes and chaos is something people should think less. Aklan is low in criminal rates, you will find yourself having good retirement years while waking in a beautiful island and fresh smell of the sea. What a life!

People might not adapt to these changes easily, but knowing that they’re running good governance for the good of Aklan is something you can be confident with. And with the help of their government officials like Congressman Haresco, the present and future generations of Aklanon will sure win.

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