Teacher Playlist: My “The Upward Project: Stories” Experience

STORIES. Everyone has it.

We live in this generation where every one of us, young and old, has a story to tell. From Histories to current relevant issues, we’re living in the world that anything can happen, and we have something to tell about it… wherever, whenever. Now times are continuously changing, so do us, we came to this vantage point where all of us are rushing with the wind; searching for meaning and looking for answers. And most of us can only do two things: hide it or express it.

Nowadays, people can express a lot of things through technology with just one click away. Just look at your social media sites. Or look for those busy places where they create different kinds of arts and loud music that will blow your senses away. Whatever platform you’re in, it has to say something about how you live and how you perceive it. And some art today speaks more about darkness, loneliness and many range of emotions that leads to rebellion and lost of direction.

So The Upward Project,a web ministry, together with Every Nation Campus, creates an event that will speak light and hope to our generation by means of their crafts that is Christ-centered by heart.

“Stories: Poetry x Music” is a one-night event made by various creative young people, whose aim is to share God’s message through their creative talents. They invited several artists from different walks of life to share Christ’s redeeming hope that they received, and express it by means of music, poetry and arts.

Pics from The Upward Project FB Page

Pics from The Upward Project FB Page


Expressions from words after words, brushing out into our ears into our minds. Poetry makes these words more alive and active to the lives of those who hear it.

Bob Ecarma. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Bob Ecarma. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Fiona expresses her deep adoration in Christ through poetry. Read all of her works here: http://caffeinatedwords.tumblr.com/. Pics from Joy Borromeo

Fiona expresses her deep adoration in Christ through poetry. Read all of her works here: http://caffeinatedwords.tumblr.com/. Pics from Joy Borromeo

Its really funny and amusing how Jedd Ong reminisced those childhood memories. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

It’s really funny and amusing how Jedd Ong reminisced those childhood memories. You can read his works at this site: hellopoetry.com/jedd-ong. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

The power "makata" words of Jed Maigue speaks hope and light of Christ to our current society.  Pics from Joy Borromeo.

The power “makata” words of Jed Maigue speaks hope and light of Christ to our current society issues. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Bob Ecarma. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Bob Ecarma. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Two people find the goodness of God in the midst of heartache (in my perspective ;) ). Tristan Ortega and Monique Espiritu. Pics from Joy Borromeo

Two people find the goodness of God in the midst of heartache (in my perspective 😉 ). Tristan Ortega and Monique Espiritu. Pics from Joy Borromeo


Music has become a big platform for all the music lovers to gain access to people. Singing words and playing rhythms has been the ultimate gift that God has given me and seeing artist glorifying Him through music makes me love it even more.

Positive Tunes from One Click Straight. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Positive Tunes from One Click Straight. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Josh Gayanelo. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Josh Gayanelo. Pics from Joy Borromeo.

And the ever charming Clara Benin, singing her original tracks. (At last I finally meet her hehe :D). Pics from Joy Borromeo.

And the ever charming Clara Benin, singing her original tracks. (At last I finally meet her hehe :D). Pics from Joy Borromeo.


Behind the venue, they had an art booth where some artists sold different forms of artworks that represent their personality and creativeness.

Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Pics from Joy Borromeo.

Pics from Joy Borromeo.

The Reaction

I was a bit late when I arrived last Saturday night at the venue, but I admit that every part of that evening sparks hope and enlightenment to those who attended. I usually knew these events as an “Emotional Explosion” to those introvert, geeky people. But this event is way too different. It doesn’t show any “cliche-Christianism” that will make Christians look cool to the public. The performance of every participant expresses real deal about them and how the Gospel changes the way they think, speak and act to the current situations of their lives. They told stories that are relevant to all of us. And these are the stories that we should hear.

As a teacher by heart, I don’t want to lead my students towards darkness. So did Jesus Christ. The Teacher and the Messiah who gives us the eternal light and redemption to all mankind by giving us hope and grace at the cross. And in this generation, He is the hope that we should have. The hope that our words, our music, and our arts should speak louder than the darkness of the world. Having such event like this one gives me a sense of love and hope, knowing that you and I can spread the Gospel, the Good news to this generation with such boldness and creativity that He alone can give. Where all the chaos and ruins in this world still exist, I truly believe that God can turn all those evil and darkness into good. Like His promise said:


And that folks, is the greatest story of all mankind. Jesus died the death that we can afford to pay so that we could live forever!

For more updates and events, just visit their website:  http://theupwardproject.com/

or follow them on these social media accounts:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheUpwardProject

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theupwardproject

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/UpwardProject

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