Teacher’s Reflection: How to have SHALOM amidst COVID-19, Unbelief and Uncertainties

Real talk.

It’s hard to wake up for the past few weeks. Due to this COVID-19 Pandemic, a lot of things have a compromise: my physical and mental health, finances, jobs (I have 3 jobs), social activities and even my relationships (I’m so extrovert, I can’t imagine not going out with people).

But I have to comply and follow protocol for me and everyone’s safety. There’s no room for any selfishness and grumbling for this moment and all of us should be resilient and have a positive mindset that we can stop this virus from spreading.

Yes, I get it. What the government tells us to do is not even hard. It’s like a staycation with your family all over. We still have our internet, our electricity, essential needs and safety covered. For now.

But what scares me the most is this: uncertainty and fear of the unknown. Yes, these things are inevitable in our daily grind. But this is more than just the fear of not having enough essentials and being infected with the virus.

It’s about the fear of not knowing what lies ahead and what’s left of me in this world when everything (and everyone) fall apart. I know this is COVID-19 season and it’s not the right time to think about these things. But my fears start growing to many aspects of my life (and not related to the virus) before I turn 30.

The fears I have: long-term commitment, marriage, having a family on my own, stability in my finances/career/accomplishments, and fulfillment of life.

Yes, it’s ok to accomplish these things if God permits you long life ahead, but how on Earth am I gonna think these things if I already have a lot in my plate and my head? That’s why sleep problems are one of my worst sicknesses nowadays (apart from my anxiety and depression caused by my _________). It’s the clouded thoughts in my head and the fears inside of me have caused me to not sleep happily at night and keep me down at bed every morning.

And with COVID-19 Pandemic coming in the picture, sure I have all the valid reasons to panic: panic buying, be panic with news/social media, and panic about the future.

But if you’re a believer of Jesus Christ, you have something to anchor in this panicking world. Though it’s never easy not to worry (because if it does, you will not see a born-again Christian ranting on Facebook), the Word of God continually reminds us that WE CAN overcome this pandemic. And personally, one of the reasons why my brain tends to wire back to its sanity is because of this word: SHALOM.

Shalom means PEACE. But you can also define it as COMPLETE AND WHOLE; as if nothing has broken. During the old times, when you have a conflict with someone or your nation is at war, you have to make amends by giving SHALOM to your enemies and both parties should help each other restore everything that’s broken (relational or property aspect). So Shalom is not just for peace, it’s for


And all of my life I’d been struggling to find that peace within me. Going to different areas of my life that’s not pleasant and really makes me the most confused person I was. But when I found out that peace is not a state of mind, it becomes a game-changer towards everything I believe in.

You see, the word peace is not a principle nor an aspect. It’s not even an absence of fear. Shalom is a PERSON that lived years ago and died for the penalty of our sins. The reason we don’t have SHALOM because we don’t have HIM. And now that I have Him, I don’t need to fight nor struggle to have that peace. For it is ALREADY GIVEN TO ME the moment I accept Him as my Lord and Savior.

Jesus Christ is the PRINCE OF PEACE. My JEHOVAH SHALOM. And because of that, I can have peace that can


And only Jesus can give those things. Just believe.

I’m not sure when this “shalom” will take longer in anyone’s life because, in reality, we’re still in this broken world. And we’ll never know what’s the next bad things will happen. That’s why I have to remind myself every day with this promise that is already given to me (I even tattooed it on my wrist). This SHALOM is possible if you have Jesus. And that’s the truth you can keep in overcoming COVID-19, uncertainties in life and even your own doubts and unbelief.


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