House projects has become a thing for many people. Since lockdowns, quarantine, and isolation periods are still inevitable, as the threat of COVID-19 is still imminent. If you’ll be stuck at home, it’s the perfect time to accomplish some house projects that you’ve been putting off for a long time. They don’t have to be big projects that take a long time. Even small short-term projects will do.
Here are simple house projects that you do during the quarantine.
Re-layout your furniture and spaces

While this may not seem like doing any changes in your home, redoing your furniture setup can offer a fresh perspective for your home. Moving your bed to the other side of your home or putting the sofa set next to each other can offer a new look without really having to purchase anything new.
While you’re at it, you may also want to change your curtains, tablecloth, sheets, blankets, and pillowcases. Especially if they have a different color, they can bring a new pop! They may complement the pieces of furniture, angle of natural lighting, or the paint of your house that you’ve never seen before.
Deep clean those nooks and crannies

If you have more time, you can allocate it to deep clean the areas that you’re not really cleaning regularly. It’s not the most obvious space like your living room or bedroom — pretty sure you’re cleaning them regularly. These spaces can be your storage room, garage, pantry room, or cupboards that you’re not so keen on cleaning.
It’s normal for people to forget to clean them especially as they’re not exactly what people see when they visit your home. However, these areas can accumulate moisture, dirt, dust, and bacteria as the surroundings are the perfect breeding ground for harmful organisms to grow.
Sort your closet and shoe rack

Admit it — your closets and shoe racks are some of the most untidy places in your house. When the shirt that you want to wear is under a pile of other clothes, you simply pull it more often than not, leaving the pile in shambles. The same situation happens when you can’t find the shoes that you want to wear.
During the quarantine, it’s the best time to sort out the shirts and shoes that you don’t wear anymore. You can donate, sell, or dispose of them if you don’t need them anymore. Just a simple rule when decluttering, look beyond the sentimental value.
These simple house projects are very important for every homeowner. It keeps your house clean, organized, and maintained to its top shape for a long time. Bellavita sells prime-quality houses, making them a great investment. BellaVita Sakto Sa’yo! For more inquiries about BellaVita homes and locations, visit BellaVita, or send a message through Facebook.
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