Teacher Insights: How my family live a “Look Good, Feel Great” Lifestyle with Watson’s?

As an educator, I always make sure that I’m not getting myself or anyone in my family sick. Especially in this season that a little rain and a short walk in the park can bring so many infectious diseases. That’s why I usually take charge to make sure that I and my family can be healthy inside out.

Teaching my family to be healthy inside out is not easy especially when there are certain bad habits in their lifestyle that needs to cut off. One of them is their food choices. They tend to eat food that has less nutritional value that leaves them to look and feel unhealthy.

That’s why last week, I was able to challenge myself and my family to take the “Watson’s Look Good, Feel Great” challenge and avail some of their best selling products. After a few weeks taking this challenge, I learned many things about our health that needs a lot of TLC (tender loving care):

We should be intentional in making healthy choices for ourselves.

Since I worked my deadline tasks sometimes until midnight, I tend to have less sleep and more junk in my food. That’s why having nutrition supplements are one of the boosts I take daily to make my body healthy.

Good thing that in Watson’s, there are many options to choose from to make sure you get the right vitamin/mineral supplements that your body needs. Acai Berry supplement is one of my favorite antioxidant supplement that boosts my body when I’m busy at work. For my 2 nieces, I used Celine Plus and Watson’s Chewable Multivitamins for kids.

We should treat our appearance, princess style.

Usually, we think that as long as we take a bath, put some makeup, and dress well, we are healthy in the outside. But I realized that it’s more important to know what products we put in our skin and hair. That’s why Watson’s have their own skin and hair products that are good for any skin type.

So happiness comes my way, especially in my hair when I started using “Naturals By Watson” Argan Shampoo and Conditioner. It makes my hair smooth and manageable after every wash. Making me prepare for the day ahead with my silky crown of glory realness.

Indeed, good health is the best wealth we can pass on to our family. It is better to give more consideration to what we put in our bodies and make sure that we will be healthy for our loved ones. Good thing, everything you need to take care of your health and peace of mind is at Watson’s. And that’s a good investment you can give to yourself and your family to be HEALTHY INSIDE and OUT.

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