Teacher’s Insights: Mommy Mundo’s Mindful Mom Re-Treat

A teacher is commonly known as “second parent” to students. And just like any other profession, a teacher needs some time off as well to reflect and be refreshed about his/her purpose. I saw some mothers of my students and witness how they sacrificed their time and effort to nurture their family well. Who among you will agree that they need a time off as well?

That’s why Mommy Mondo with the partnership with PLDT launched a retreat for moms (and second parent like me) with a theme “Mindful Mom Re-treat.” It aims to give insights and tips for moms on how to take care of themselves and how to be the woman you need to be for your family.

During the retreat, our speaker Mrs. Michelle Alignay taught us some tips on how to handle the stress and mess of motherhood by knowing who we are and our purpose first. In that way, we will be reminded of our roles as a woman. They also highlight about how we should be less mindful of some failures and don’t put too many burdens on our shoulders.


It’s ok to be shaken sometimes and failed for us to learned more things about ourselves and the way we should do motherhood. And as a teacher and a second mother to my students, it makes me realized lots of things about motherhood similarly to the way I handle my students at school. We should learned that all of us have a journey on our own to be the best mom/teacher we can be. 



PLDT and Belo Baby also grace the event with promoting their products to the participants. Mommy Mondo gave away some treats for the participants and treat us with a very nice dishes at Le Souffle, Century City Mall.


It really was a refreshing time being with my friend Justine and other awesome moms to take time for ourselves, learning how to be a Mindful Mom! Thank you, Mommy Mundo and PLDT! You can visit Mommy Mondo Facebook Page  for more updates and events. 


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