Teacher’s Insights: The Launch of “Pre-need, Memorial Life” Plans on the new “Cosmopolitan Climbs”

All of us have money needs (and wants) in every aspect of life. In fact, earning it is not that easy if you will see it. However, when calamity or deep need strikes, where will you get the funds? Family relatives? Friendly neighbor? Nearest Barangay office? Well, you don’t need to make it complicated if you know HOW and WHERE to get the funds you need. Good thing that last week, the merging companies of “Cosmopolitan Memorial Chapels” and “CLIMBS Cooperative” takes on to a new venture of making financial needs to less fortunate Filipinos more accessible. 



The “Cosmopolitan Climbs Life Plan, Inc. (CCLPI)” aims to bring Filipino a more convenient and affordable pre-need plans, in anywhere in or outside the country. This partnership is first of its kind in a private-cooperative sector and it will give ways for more accessible and convenient service to the public.

With the approval of the Insurance Commission of the Philippines, the CCLPI will now ready to serve you with their “Pre-need Memorial Life Plan” that is now relevant and it will benefit our Filipino people. The insurance packages of CCLPI will be available in public soon and it aims to bring security and protection to people and their love ones in times in need.


Apart from their pre-need plans, the “private cooperative” side of Cosmopolitan Climbs will still be available for many people. The members of the coop will offer the pre-need plans to their customer and rest assure that the people from the Insurance Commission will be hands-on with handling and training these members for better service to people.

A private sector and a cooperative has merged together. Our promise to the public is to make sure their protection not only now but in the years to come,” said by Mr. Renato Dychangco, the Chairman of CCLPI. He assured the public that the aim of the company is to protect the people with their services with no partiality.


For more updates and insights about Cosmopolitan Climbs, just visit these sites:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cosmopolitan-Climbs-Life-Plan-Inc-429730784095489/

Cosmopolitan Memorial Chapels – http://www.cosmopolitanfuneral.com.ph/

CLIMBS Cooperative – http://climbs.coop/wordpress/

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