Teacher Eats: Make Mondays MORE AWESOME with 50% OFF at Marriott Café

Who likes to have Monday as your FAVORITE DAY? Most of us already curse this day because of the stressful battle ahead with traffic, work, school and more. That’s why even if not yet survive the whole week, we’re already burned out and stressful with a lot of things going on with our life. 

Now there’s one good reason to look forward to Mondays – a 50% off discount at the widespread buffet in Marriott Café! The thought of Monday has become stressful for some, but having this chance to eat your favorite dishes all you can you might just want to skip the weekends.

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Marriott slices half out of its buffet price from July 16 to August 27 for both lunch and dinner. Now that’s Php 975 only per person! Such an amazing deal to feast on your favorite dishes until you drop, isn’t? Imagine indulging on wide-varieties of fresh seafood, unlimited slabs of steaks, and dessert selections from baked creations and homemade gelatos.

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Marriott Café is also best known for its long list of international flavors such as sushi and sashimi bar from Japan, dumplings and roasted meat from China, curried dishes from India, specialty entrees from different Western countries, and of course, the best from Filipino cuisine like kare-kare, bulalo, adobo, modern streetfood and the list goes on. This is also a good start to your week because food are prepared to your satisfaction like that of gambas, pasta, salad and grilled meats. It’s simply saying that you have so much to stuff on your plate/s.

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So, turn that Manic Monday to a Marriott Monday instead. An awesome buffet treat like this doesn’t happen often, so grab the phone to reserve now. For more information, please call 988 9999 or visit www.manilamarriott.com. To join ongoing conversations, like Facebook.com/MarriottHotelManila, follow @marriottmanila on Twitter and @manilamarriott on Instagram.

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