Teacher Insights: What is the Legacy Doc Paolo Bellosillo wants to share?

What is your life made of? Most of us don’t usually see it until we reach our old age. Isn’t it? We tend to just survive this life and make a living. But how about making a great mark in this life? Have we consider living a legacy for our next generation to remember?

Everyone lives. Everyone dies. However, not everyone leaves a legacy or lives a life that will leave a legacy which is sad because when they are gone, they are easily forgotten. To not be forgotten, you need to live a life that makes a difference in the life of others … to live a life that will be remembered by many with positivity because you did something to inspire them or change their life for the better.


Doc Paolo Bellosillo knows this and believes that people need to live life the best way they possibly can and one of the ways to do this is by living a healthy life because when you are healthy, you can do more and be more. Doc Pao is an advocate of this because he has seen many people die young or not able to do what they want with life due to health limitations. To Doc Pao, this is worse than death because you are alive but not able to live fully.

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To help you out, we asked Doc Pao Bellosillo to give us not 1, not 2, not 3 but 8 tips to help you start living a life that will leave a legacy.

  1. First, know your limits, live within it and then gauge where you can grow in increments.  Do more with a passion.
  2. In health whether spiritual, physiological or emotional and psychological, know your toxins and get rid of them. Determine your deficiencies and supplement them.
  3. Next serve with a heart of charity.
  4. Give with generosity.
  5. Value life at any crossroad, and protect it, preserve it. From the foods you eat or making sure babies are born into our reality.
  6. Live each day and moment as if it were the last day of your life and do so by creating moments with people you love or even you don’t know for God and country.
  7. Just say thank you. It means a lot and goes a long way.
  8. Start listening and then wait for your turn to speak and arrive at a solution.

If you were in a show and God is your audience, make him proud, sing the song and make him feel goosebumps. Play that music and take away His stress.  Smile at Him and smile at others too. For today it’s your show so live a life of legacy.



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