
About Love, Teacher Angel

Teacher Angel


Man’s chief end is to glorify God (1 Cor. 10:31) and to enjoy him forever (Ps. 73:25-26).

– Westerminster Catechism

Teacher Angel blog aims only 3 things:

1) To honor God through writings about what I love to do in life;

2) to share insights and events about what’s happening in everything under the sun; and

3) to share more love and words of kindness and encouragement not just for my fellow teachers but also for the students at heart.

We are students and teachers in every way. We teach, we learn and we teach what we have learned that will make relationship here on this earth very essential. Because we’re contributing our purpose and our abilities to make a difference in our lives. And making it possible without any self-consuming and self-centered motives can really honor our Creator in the best thing that we can.

The goal of my blog is to reach out more of our netizens, particularly in the field of Education and this generation of youth to make them see more of what the world has to offer. I want to engage the students and the teachers to be part of this fast-paced generation and make them realize that they can make a difference as well. So by building this web page, I pray that I can, by the grace of God moves to the lives of these people; people like you who’s reading this. Hope this blog will inspire and bless you in every way. Shalom!

Follow Teacher Angel through this pages:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loveTeacherAngel

Instagram: http://instagram.com/loveteacher.angel/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LovTeacherAngel

Email Address: angelamae.abad@yahoo.com


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