
Sun Life Grepa Financial Make Applying Effective Insurance Coverage Easier

Sun Life Grepa Financial Make Applying Effective Insurance Coverage Easier

Sun Life Grepa Financial, Inc. (Sun Life Grepa) is giving clients an opportunity to ensure they are better prepared for such circumstances in the future through its newest campaign.

Under this program, Sun Life Grepa is allowing new and existing clients to avail of specific, regularly-underwritten life insurance plans through a faster and more convenient process of a Simplified Issue Offer (SIO), making it easier for them to achieve peace of mind with financial protection. 

Sun Life Grepa Financial

“We are always looking for ways to help people pursue financial security and healthier lives,” said Richard S. Lim, President of Sun Life Grepa. “Through this offer, we hope to help more people to not only be ready for life’s emergencies but also be able to help them thrive and grow in their financial journey. In this way, we continue to enforce our commitment to guide people towards a brighter future.” 

This SIO is well-suited for current clients seeking to boost their insurance portfolio or new clients who want to avail of coverage easier and more conveniently. The campaign applies to select traditional life and investment-linked life insurance products only, starting October 12 up to December 28, 2020, subject to the campaign guidelines. 

For inquiries, contact your Sun Life Grepa Financial Advisor, call 88499633, email wecare@sunlifegrepa.com or visit www.sunlifegrepa.com for details. 

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