
Teacher Insights: 3 Tips Towards Safety Against COVID-19

Teacher Insights: 3 Tips Towards Safety Against COVID-19

Our country and the rest of the world are now in a state of emergency when it comes to Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. As you read this, more cases are being reported in all regions here in the Philippines. And no one is excepted in getting the virus; making everyone a victim.

As of today, the Philippine Government recently declared Metro Manila (NCR) to be placed under Community Quarantine from March 15 to April 15, 2020. This means 3 things: all travel in and out NCR (airplane flights, sea, and land) will be strictly prohibited; more class suspension; more jobs and our economy will be greatly affected.

Another worst-case scenario we can see is the way people respond in fear to this worldwide pandemic. Nowadays, many Filipinos are rushing to supermarkets and grocery stores everywhere to “hoard shop” their items as if the end of the world is near. And no matter how hard it is for us to do “social distance” because of the fear of being infected, many people are still going to crowded places to load their emergency essentials; preparing themselves for this lockdown.

Technically, cash transactions are still important in our daily lives despite the threat of getting infected. Malls and establishments are advised to close early by 7 P.M. to assure public safety. However, with the mass number of people shopping and eating out, paying for your groceries and goods are not an easy task, especially the long lines you have to endure in the cashier area. Not to mention the possible risk of being infected because of passing cash from one person to another.

That’s why to be safe and secure against this infectious disease, here are my 3 ways on how to avoid COVID-19 with our daily transactions:

Practice Health Protocol.

The same old saying “prevention is better than cure” still applies at this very moment. The way we can prevent this virus from spreading relies on how we do things right in our household and how we interact with other people. The main protocol World Health Organization (WHO) gave to the public are the following:

Teacher Insights: 3 Tips Towards Safety Against COVID-19

Get the Right News Source

There’s nothing more threatening than what social media can do to our lives. Since Filipinos consume most of their time on social media, people usually have the wrong impression on receiving information. Hoax information like fake news and wrong interpretation about what’s happening can bring both terror and confusion to people. That’s why reading, watching and listening to the right news is very important. It will help you avoid being persuaded to the wrong information; securing you and your family peace of mind.

Go CASHLESS with your financial transactions

Cashless payment has been popular for those who are tired of carrying their big cash purse. But nowadays, this mode of payment become more useful and effective in helping us avoid spreading the virus. The government as reports from different news sites, suggests that going cashless for your transactions helps people avoid getting contaminated from the ongoing virus.

Teacher Insights: 3 Tips Towards Safety Against COVID-19

That’s why GCash has been a good companion in cashless payments wherever you are. Every time I’m doing my grocery shopping in any PureGold branches or eat out in BonChon and Army Navy, GCash’s cashless “Scan to Pay” QR makes it easier for me to pay and be safe from any contagious diseases, especially in this alarming season. More than that, the beauty of getting an electronic load and online banking transactions is one of the best features of GCash. Making both of my mental and finances at peace.

Amidst all the threats and fear Novel Coronavirus brought to our country, let’s continue to have an optimistic and hopeful perspective around us. Spread hope and don’t let fear and threats overcome us. I’m just so thankful that there are many ways we can do to protect ourselves from this infectious disease. And I’m so grateful that GCash made cashless payments easier and safer for me to do.

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