Being a freelancer (working student) since college days, I know the feels of this phrase, even today: FINANCIAL INSTABILITY. I wake up every morning whether I will have my payments for my thesis requirements and see if I can still eat and provide on my own at a very young age.
Now with 3 jobs (and still considered as a freelancer), there’s many responsibilities and adulting adjustment I need to work on, especially in my finances. I have to be intentional and effective in making the right decisions when it comes to my finances. But I learned that even with or without corporate employment, any issues when it comes to money is very complicated to even grasp with. That’s why as a freelancer, I have to learn the right and effective ways to be on the right track when it comes to these things.
With all the talks and seminars I’d been with, as a freelancer, I realized that having an insurance plan is a must so it will help me with my walk towards success. And you probably thinking, what’s the fuzz with those insurance plans and why should I need to have one. Here is some pointer I learned why having an insurance is a must for us, freelancers:
1. You’re on your own, Pal.
Yes, you’re the master of your own craft and it is you who will decide on your income, time, and priorities. On the contrary, when health issues started to arise and you will need to pay for your debts, there’s no company nor client will able to back you up (not unless your client is indeed a good Samaritan). Yes, being a freelancer is indeed good for adventurers like me, but let’s face the fact that when the O.D.D.S (Old age, Death, Disability, Sickness) strikes us hard, there’s no company health card nor employee benefits will able to save us.
That’s why while you are young and healthy, having a comprehensive insurance plan is a very good investment. Insurance, as they said, is a big form of peace of mind that you can avail while nothing is happening around you. It enables you to live your best times ahead while protecting the only life you have. So as you reach success in being a freelancer, make sure that you have someone who will back you up when disaster strikes.
2. Your flexible time means Major Income
Depends on your work description, you have the time and energy to earn more money than your corporate job can give you. Might as well you use an insurance and Investment plan to help you prepare for possible business expansion and life-long goals.
As freelancers, you have the freedom to manage your income the way you want them to be. And because of that, the best time to invest in an insurance plan is NOW. What it takes is a deliberate planning and a suitable financial partner that will lead you how to start smart, plan smart, and earn smart.
3. Life’s uncertainties are SO INEVITABLE
For us, freelancers, our life is so uncertain with regards to our income growth, financial stability, and health status. It’s similar to every employee around your social sphere. but the weight of these things are different especially we’re on our own. There’s always a question, a feeling of anxiety and worry in our lives that stops us from continuing our passion. That’s why a financial partner is very important so they can lead us to the right principles and create an effective plan for every milestone of our lives.
In Sun Life PH, they help freelancers like me to learn and apply effective financial tools and principles that prepare me for every season I have. With their compassionate and excellent financial advisors, it enables me to have an insurance plan that suite to my financial needs and make me live my best years ahead.
Freelancers, it’s time to get going with your financial plans. Don’t plunge with those things that trigger “instant gratification” and start building your empire with Sun Life PH. Because when financial burden is diminished, it’s easier to work passionately and to love to live to be financially free.
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