Teacher Eats: Taste “Delicious Spice” in your food with Olea’s Chili Oil

I love to eat, and I can’t elaborate that further than look at my IG feed and my waistline (lols). But as much as I want to munch all the delicious food possible, there are some food restrictions I have to face every single day. One of it is spicy food. I’m not allowed to eat spicy food daily due to stomach problems. So it’s either less spice or no spice at all.


Good thing, a friend of mine created a chili oil that changes the way I put hotness in my daily meal. Olea’s Chili Oil was just established this year, but many of their chili oil bottles are sold tremendously because of it’s “tasty spice” that brings spice and extra flavor to every dishes.

What is “Delicious Spice?”

“Tasty Spice” is the term I used to describe best what Olea’s Chili Oil is all about. Unlike any chili oil that only burns the mouth (and fluctuated my acid reflux), this Chili Oil smells and taste good that leaves a tasty smoke-aroma to any condiments or dishes.


Its natural and no preservative ingredients are the best compliments for any dishes and because of that, you can use it on a daily basis. Yes, guys, I can eat spicy food now, thanks to Olea’s Chili Oil.

What it’s BENEFITS?

With those spicy noodles challenges and Korean spicy food that you millennials blinge in, there are actual health benefits when you put Chili Oil in your daily meal. And Olea’s Chili Oil can help you have a healthy lifestyle as well with these health benefits:

  • Prevents Cancer
  • Contains up to 7 times of Vitamin C
  • Relieves joint and muscle pain
  • Relieves migraine
  • Lowers the risks of diabetes
  • Boosts the immunity system
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Improves insulin control by over 55%
  • Relieves sinusitis


It’s good to put spice in your meal and it’s time for you to try this “Tasty Spice” in the comfort of your food trip time.
You can avail this Homemade Chili Oil, no preservatives and all natural with these price range:

For only
150php – 200ml (Mild or Extra Hot)
100php – 118ml. (Mild or Extra Hot)

For orders, contact us at 09359844436 with your *Name**Number of orders**Area*. For Taguig and Makati area, meet-up is in Market-Market! Visit their Facebook page https://facebook.com/oleaschilioil for more awesome updates and order.

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