
What Bloggers and Social Media users should learn from Alessia Cara?

What Bloggers and Social Media users should learn from Alessia Cara?

The Grammy Awards last January gave a big impact on me. Bruno Mars won big, but received less appreciation to the public. Many recording artists gave an inspiring message against women abuse and real issues behind the curtain of the music industry. But what inspires me the most is the acceptance speech of the Canadian Artist named “Alessia Cara.” After her debut album last 2015, she received her first Grammy Award as “Best New Artist.” This marked her as the first Canadian Artist to ever received a “New Artist Award,” and a lot of people had mixed reactions to this one. Some said that “Best New Artist” doesn’t fit her since she started as a recording artist since 2015, and many issues came afterward. What a shame! After all the hard work and sacrifices, people still not convinced that she deserves to have a Grammys.

As bloggers/influencers, what are the things that holding you away from your “Grammy Award?” What are the requirements for you to get big projects and good monetary pay? As for me, I don’t have the answers yet. But for being in this industry for 3 years, I learned to have some perspective on this never-ending issue. Bloggers/influencers in other countries (based on other people’s opinion), received payment, recognition, and perks no matter how small and big their engagements/followers are. Here in the Philippines, the way I experienced it, is a bit opposite.

How to be a blogger is a world full of

So why I should connect myself to Alessia Cara? She’s a recording artist, I’m a lifestyle blogger. But if there are some connections I learned from this singer are these following points:

Follow No CROWD

Alessia Cara just kept her genre and style of voice regardless of other’s diva voices that are conformed to be more famous in her generation. Some people don’t get it, but she kept it that way because that’s her purpose. Us, bloggers tend to imitate other bloggers/vloggers tactics from the way we dress, talk, pose in our IG feeds, and more. Where’s our creativity in times like this? We lose our intentions to be true and authentic once we choose to be like anybody else. I’m not telling you to be extreme nor put less in what you post. But what I learned from this artist is this: “LESS IS AUTHENTIC.” Creativity is essential as same as relevance and innovation, but learn to be YOU when you blog/vlog. Because you’ll never know you might be the person they’re looking for.

Don’t rely on NUMBERS. You tend to compromise if you do.

During her Grammy speech, she shared some sentiments about new artists not being acknowledged literally by the music industry:

“There are some incredible artists out there that are making incredible music that deserve to be acknowledged that don’t always get acknowledge because of popularity contests or numbers games. And that’s kind of unfortunate. So I just want to encourage everyone to support real music and real artists because everyone deserves the same shot.”

Life is literally unfair. Not just in our daily life battles but also in the way we move as bloggers/influencers in this industry. I don’t mean to make this offensive, but I learned that some PR companies, brands, and other bloggers, often favor people who have thousands of viewers and followers on social media apps than those who are not. It is ironic that the people with fewer followers and less influential platforms, but excellent in their skills don’t have the same privileges and perks as they have. In my three years blogging for brands and PR companies, I tend to compromise on my principles and niche by means of “pleading” for these people to invite me to their events and follow me on their social media apps. That’s what I learned about desperation in this industry. We tend to do things that are not appropriate just for a like, view, and invites.

So here’s what I learned from Alessia: DON’T LET POPULARITY AND NUMBERS DEFINE AND DESTROY YOU AS A BLOGGER AND AS A PERSON. At the end of your life, these numbers and likes will not matter anymore. Instead, you use that number (and in lack of it) as an opportunity for you to be the blogger/influencer that you should be. Numbers are just numbers, so don’t let the world define you by your numbers.

Be the SALT and LIGHT in this World

One of my favorite Alessia songs has this line:

“But there’s a hope that’s waiting for you in the dark
You should know you’re beautiful just the way you are
And you don’t have to change a thing, the world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we’re stars and we’re beautiful”

Song like this make me reflect on how I became after blogging for 3 years. How’s my blog, my social media posts, and my words/actions had done to the people around me? When there’s political issues, conflicts, and national crisis, how do I speak up and be a role model to those who seek to admire?

How do you use your blogas a channel for change

I learned from a friend that there’s nothing louder than the influence that we have. With the world full of “narcissism,” “bashers” and “consumerism,” we have to be the bloggers who speak the right facts and act the right actions. Sadly, even bloggers are quoted to be the one who spread “fake news” all around, stereotyping all of us despite our clear motives. So being a SALT and LIGHT in this world full of lies is a MUST. Let’s make every effort to speak life, not speak death over people, government officials, traffic, etc. Post encouragement and love messages to those who are depressed and lonely. And give what you can give to those who are lowly and powerless. Let’s act kindness because blogging is not just all about cute photos and cool recommendations. It’s about using your influence to be what you’re supposed to be.

I haven’t meet Alessia Cara in person. But her Grammy speech speak too much about what I should have done for the past few years in blogging. So if you’re a blogger/influencer or just a simple social media user, make the most out of every opportunity to be a good influence and advocate for change. Because no one can do the way you do things. And yes you will fail to do good in this industry with all the temptations and worldly desires it can bring. But if you’re abiding by the One who makes the way so we can walk righteously before God and man, it will be worth it in the end. Shine on bloggers and let’s do good when no one can’t.

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